Topic: Writing process
Writing Accountability and Tracking Systems
Presenter: Katherine Cowley
One of the most difficult parts about creative writing is that you normally don’t have deadlines. Unless you have a book under contract, you don’t have a boss who is checking on how your writing is going and expecting a deliverable on a set date. In some ways, this is a good thing, but it can be easy to not achieve your writing goals if you don’t have accountability.This presentation will address how to create writing accountability, first, through the creation of a habit-reward routine, and second, through using a tracking system, which can be low tech (a notebook) or a little more high tech (an app with time and project tracking). Ultimately, by using an accountability system, you can both write more and be happier with your progress.
About the presenter:
Katherine Cowley is an award-winning short story writer, who has been published in Segullah, the Mormon Lit Blitz, Steel and Bone, and Defenestration, to name a few. She was the guest editor for the 2016 Mormon Lit Blitz. She is a former English professor and radio producer, and lives with her husband and three children in Kalamazoo, Michigan. You can read many of her stories and learn more about her at
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YA Fantasy:
Fall of the Dragon Prince, Forgotten Heirs Book 1 (Jolly Fish Press), Feb 2017
Blade of Toran, Forgotten Heirs Book 2, Feb 2018
Arachnomancer, (Dragon Scales Publishing), Sept 2018
Middle Grade Fantasy:
Super Dungeon Explore: Dungeons of Arcadia (Future House Publishing), June 2018
Science in Fiction: Gravity, Nanotechnology and Relativity chapters, edited by Dan Kobolt (Writer's Digest) Fall 2018
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Topic: Writing to Market
How to Write to Market
Presenter: Victorine Lieske
Learn what it means to write to market, and how to do it, and the benefits of having an audience hungry for what you're writing.About the presenter:
Victorine enjoys commercial success through her writing, thanks in part to her ability to analyze and adapt to the constantly changing trends in today's publishing environment. She self-published her first book, Not What She Seems, in April of 2010. In March of 2011, Not What She Seems began its 6 week run on The New York Times best selling eBook list. By May 2011 she had sold over 100,000 copies. Victorine's first romantic comedy novel hit the USA Today Best selling books list in January 2015.
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Too many to list now, but here's a link:
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Topic: Writing a Scene
Steaks and Stakes: Creating a scene with purpose and consequence.
Presenter: Ryan Decaria
In every scene, the focal character needs two things, a goal they are trying to accomplish (hmmm, steak) and consequences for failure (the stakes). In this class, we'll break down a scene and brainstorm how to improve the goals and stakes. Then we'll workshop scenes submitted by volunteers from the audience focusing on these two ideas.About the presenter:
Ryan Decaria was raised on science fiction and fantasy novels and 80’s adventure movies. On rainy days, you can find him sulking on the window sill waiting for a treasure map, his future self, an alien buddy, and his own luck dragon. He lives in Northern Utah where he invents problems for invisible friends; he also writes fiction. Ryan approaches magic like a scientific field of study and science fiction as if were magic. Slam both together, and Mad Science is born, where anything is possible and it’s always a little gooey. His favorite parts are the monster always hiding in the closet, adventure around every corner, and a brilliant mind trying to set things right.
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Devil in the Microscope
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Topic: Craft
Flash Editing
Presenter: Ali Cross
About the presenter:
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Topic: Break and Q&A
Presenter: HOST
About the presenter:
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Topic: General
Humor in Writing
Presenter: Shelly Brown
Learn techniques to bring humor and liveliness to your manuscript.About the presenter:
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Mustaches for Maddie
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Topic: Short stories
Short Stories
Presenter: John M. Olsen
Learn about various types of short stories, markets for short stories, and going through the editing process.About the presenter:
John M. Olsen reads and writes fantasy, science-fiction, steampunk, and horror as the mood strikes, and his short fiction is part of several anthologies. He devoured his father’s library in his teen years and has since inherited that formidable collection and merged it with his own growing library in order to pass a love of learning on to the next generation.He loves to create things, whether writing novels or short stories or working in his secret lair equipped with dangerous power tools. In either case, he applies engineering principles and processes to the task at hand, often in unpredictable ways.
He lives near the Oquirrh Mountains in Utah with his lovely wife and a variable number of mostly grown children and a constantly changing subset of extended family.
Video Link:
Crystal King
Some of my shorts in anthologies:
Protector of Newington (Storyhack Issue 1)
The Lure of Riches (Unbound, Clarion Call Volume 3)
Time to Think (Apocalypse Utah)
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Topic: Story Structure
Structure: the creation of a story skeleton
Presenter: C. Michelle Jefferies
Learn how to create a base structure for your story. Whether you outline or pants it, this structure is for you. Giving you the freedom of both a direction to go and opportunity for the story and characters to change.About the presenter:
C. Michelle Jefferies is a writer who believes that the way to examine our souls is to explore the deep and dark as well as the shallow. To manipulate words in a way that makes a person think and maybe even second guess. Her worlds include suspense, urban fantasy, and an occasional twist of steampunk. When she is not writing, she can be found on the yoga mat, hand binding journals, dyeing cloth, and serving ginger tea. The author and creator divides her time between stories, projects, and mothering four of her seven children on the wild and windy plains of Wyoming.
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Emergence Walnut Springs,
Latent, Ascension, Interlude, Convergence, Catalyst, Story Structure and Master Chapter Outline Workbook Meraki Books. . . . .
I was a “Writer of the Year” nominee for the League of Utah Writers for 2013 and 2014.
My short story “Broken” took third place in the 2008 short story contest for Life the Universe and Everything a SF/F symposium/writer’s conference.
My first chapter for ENCHANTED ETIQUETTE took third place in the LDStorymakers first chapter contest in 2012.
I won a song writing contest and had my song made into a video, also for the LDStorymakers conference in 2012.
I won a publishing contract with TM Publishing in 2012 for my manuscript ENCHANTED ETIQUETTE.
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Topic: Beta Reading
Speed "Beta"ing
Presenter: Jenny Rabe
Critiquing others and receiving and applying critique is a learned behavior. As writers we need it, strive for it, yearn for it. So how do we make the process easier? How do we find that niche of writers that knows our writing well, kicks our butt with a critique, but still inspires to stretch beyond what we think we’re capable? This class focuses on the art of beta-reading, critiquing others, and receiving that proverbial red pen without shutting down. After a small explanation of the art of beta-reading, the majority of the class will be a fun, hands-on application of supporting other writers in their writing through speed “beta”ing with multiple critique partners. Since this will be done online, whoever is online will be matched up with a partner and share a page or two of their writing, then they will be encouraged to have separate chats about their critiques. Each round will focus on a different skill. Looking at dialogue, theme, pacing, strong beginnings, etc. We probably will only have 2-3 rounds in that time...but enough to start a good conversation of what beta reading should beAbout the presenter:
Jenny is an honest-to-goodness southern girl at heart. Other than her love for her husband, two boys, and her feline, writing, ballroom dancing, and public speaking are some of her favorite pastimes. She's an avid across-the-state traveler and spends her spare time running a beta-reading group online and serving her fellow authors.
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Playground Treasures
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Topic: Live Q&A With Shadow Mountain Editor Lisa Mangum
Presenter: Lisa Mangum
Enjoy a conversation with Lisa Mangum, experienced editor and writer of fantastic and magical books.About the presenter:
Lisa Mangum has loved and worked with books ever since elementary school, when she volunteered at the school library during recess. Her first paying job was shelving books at the Sandy Library. She worked for five years at Waldenbooks while she attended the University of Utah, graduating with honors with a degree in English. An avid reader of all genres, she has worked in the publishing department for Deseret Book since 1997. Besides books, Lisa loves movies, sunsets, spending time with her family, trips to Disneyland, and vanilla ice cream topped with fresh raspberries. She lives in Taylorsville with her husband, Tracy.
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Topic: ""
Presenter: Lisa Mangum
About the presenter:
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Topic: Craft/Dialogue
Who Said That? Crafting Character Development Through Dialogue
Presenter: Michelle Pennington
This class will cover the role that dialogue plays in character development, with particular emphasis on applying the concepts taught during the editing process.About the presenter:
Michelle Pennington spends her days quoting movies with her husband and making messes faster than her four kids. She writes clean young adult, contemporary, fantasy, and regency romance. The genre might change, but her characters will always be falling in love.She spends her spare time, what little there is, making designer sugar cookies, singing loud in church, and killing way too many house plants.
Michelle is an active contributor in the LDS and Clean Fiction writing communities. She is blessed to have the support of her family and amazing friends on this crazy journey, as well as the constant company of the characters who live in her imagination.
Video Link: PENDING
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Topic: Unrealistic Storytelling Techniques
Satisfying Stories, Unrealistic Expectations
Presenter: Alana Howlett
Warning: Following the advice in this video may lead to reader dissatisfaction. Writer discretion is advised. This class talks about what factors play into reader expectations and how some of these expectations have become more malleable or rigid over time. Writers have been trained to reject some elements of realism over the value of the story--which, while the reader enjoys the story more, can also become detrimental to the reader's engagement with the real world. A writer might do well to attempt breaking writing conventions to see whether we are wrong about what the reader actually wants.About the presenter:
Ali Cross is a USA TODAY bestselling author of science fiction and fantasy for both middle grade and young adult readers. She's long had a passion for passing her knowledge on to others which has afforded her many opportunities, including co-founding the world's first global online conference for independent authors.
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Become (Desolation #1) 2013 Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention
2012 League of Utah Writers (Silver Quill)
Desolate (Desolation #2)
Destined (Desolation #3)
Desolation Diaries (Desolation #3.5)
Blood Crown
Frozen Souls
Jump Boys: SOS 2013 League of Utah Writers Silver Quill Winner
The Swift
Sigils and Spells: a Limited Edition Urban Fantasy Collection USA TODAY Bestselling title. (link currently unavailable due to Pronoun's closure)
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Topic: Writing/Professional Development
Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey: 8 Simple Strategies for Making Time to Write
Presenter: Bree Moore
Presentation of 8 strategies for finding and making time to write, focusing especially on those who have a job, are parents, etc. Includes: 1) Setting Goals 2) Getting Support (Friends, Family, etc.) 3) Get a Writing Buddy/Accountability 4) When you can't write, think about writing 5) Easy Access / Writing Tools 6) Develop your Skill 7) Finish SOMETHING 8) Embrace where you're atAbout the presenter:
Bree Moore has been writing fantasy since the fourth grade. She lives in Ogden, is wife to an amazing husband, and the mother of four children. She writes fantasy novels between doling out cheerios and folding laundry."Woven" is Bree's first published novel, the start of what she intends to be an epic writing career.
In real-life, Bree works as a birth doula and midwife's assistant, attending women in pregnancy and labor, which is huge inspiration for her writing.
Video Link:
"Woven" by Bree Moore
Whitney Awards Nominee
resource links:!Aorlo5cEOqCqhItnTKPhmCNC025hJA
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Topic: Marketing books using social media
Connecting the Dots: Using Social Media to Create a Web of Content for Marketing Books
Presenter: Julie L. Spencer
What is social media? (Facebook, Google, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Goodreads, Snapchat, Tumblr, Amazon author page, website, blog, mailing list.)Why use social media? (Connect with the world)
Which is the best social media platform to use? (depends on your genre)
What is the most important thing to do for long-term book marketing? (Get people on your email list)
Why can’t you just use groups, lists, hashtags, followers, subscribers, BookBub, etc. (They own your customers, they can change the rules anytime they want to, remember MySpace?)
What is the difference between content marketing and advertising? (with content marketing, you own the information, you created your content, most of the ‘cost’ is related to your time. With advertising, you are paying a person or company to get your message out. Either one is fine. You need to decide which avenue is right for you. Usually the answer is: use both)
Which social media platforms should you use? (all of them)
Which is the first platform you need (website, blog, email, email funnel to drive traffic from other social media sites to yours)
How do you drive their traffic to your website and ultimately to your email list? (smart URLs, links, bridges between the content you create on other social media sites back to yours)
Insider tips and tricks for each social media platform. What to do, what not to do, how to create a foundation on which to build.
Demonstrations for each of the main platforms and where to go to find more information for each platform. (this will have a module for each social media platform and could take awhile)
Affiliate marketing
How to think like Google (Search engine optimization, asking questions, smart titles and headings)
The words to use to make your content outshine your competition.
How to work with your competition to help both of you succeed more. (readers are voracious and no author can ever satisfy their readers. Find other writers like you and work together)
You must be in this for the long game. This is not a get rich quick scheme.
Where to find more information.
About the presenter:
Julie L. Spencer lives in the central Michigan area with her husband and teenage children. She has a very full life managing a conservation district office, writing grant proposals, newsletters, articles, and book reviews. Julie has been writing since she was in junior high, but prior to publishing her first novel, The Cove, her only published work was her master’s thesis. She loves to read and write New Adult Clean Contemporary fiction, is author of the Buxton Peak series, The Cove, The Man in the Yellow Jaguar, and has several more novels and non-fiction projects in the works.
Video Link:
Buxton Peak: The Early Years
Buxton Peak Book One: Who Is Ian Taylor?
Buxton Peak Book Two: Center Stage
Buxton Peak Book Three: The End of the Beginning
The Cove
The Man in the Yellow Jaguar
Buxton Peak: Silence from Nashville (featured in the Unspoken Words anthology)
The Phantom of the Chapel (featured in the Love Undefined anthology)
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Topic: Writing Craft
Adrenaline 101: Writing with Intensity
Presenter: Dan Allen
From the writing of blockbuster authors Orson Scott Card, Stephanie Meyer and James Patterson, learn the keys to writing with emotional intensity. From generating story momentum with backstory, foreshadowing, and character wants to creating tension with revelations in dialogue, this presentation teaches how to amplify the emotional response of readers to story action.About the presenter:
After fifteen years in the lab designing lasers, nanoparticles and smart phone sensors, author Dan Allen roared onto the writing scene in 2017 with the fantasy epic Fall of the Dragon Prince. At home in the Rocky Mountains, Dan is CFO (chief fun officer) of his family and enjoys cosplay, escape rooms, game design, and general science mayhem. You can keep up with Dan’s latest fantasy and scifi on his website and send him random science questions.
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YA Fantasy:
Fall of the Dragon Prince, Forgotten Heirs Book 1 (Jolly Fish Press), Feb 2017
Blade of Toran, Forgotten Heirs Book 2, Feb 2018
Arachnomancer, (Dragon Scales Publishing), Sept 2018
Middle Grade Fantasy:
Super Dungeon Explore: Dungeons of Arcadia (Future House Publishing), June 2018
Science in Fiction: Gravity, Nanotechnology and Relativity chapters, edited by Dan Kobolt (Writer's Digest) Fall 2018
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Presenter: Host
About the presenter:
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