Friday, March 2, 2018

Template for the LDSBR On-line Writing Conference Presentation Blog Posts

(Tentative version 2 -- see version 1 below.)

Thank you, presenters, for all your support!

We need blog posts to tell potential attendees about your presentation. Please use the template below to provide us with yours:

========== Copy from the line below here ... ==========

My Presentation Title

Presenter: My Name

My presentation blurb paragraph one.

My presentation blurb optional paragraph two.

A paragraph about me.

{The presentation video conference link will go here, TBD, do not fill in.}

My invitation for questions for Q&A session.
========== ... to the line above here. ==========

Then substitute your presentation's information and paste it into a file in LibreOffice, ABI Word, MSWord, or Google document format. (Tex, Markdown, etc., may also work, if you prefer those.) Then e-mail the file as an attachment to joel dot rees at somewhere dot tld

An example is shown below:

Scripture Examples of
Writing as Communication

Presenter: Joel Rees

Have you ever wondered whether a writer can get into the Celestial Kingdom? Joel Rees has studied the question at length from a scriptural standpoint, and feels that he has the answer.

With the information from this presentation, the next time you feel down because the creative juices just won't flow, and are fearing that maybe your decision to pursue writing is offensive to God, you will have scriptures at your fingertips to help you beat the arrows of the adversary back.
Joel Rees is an unpublished author of off-beat, sleep-inducing fantasies, residing somewhere between Japan and Mars, and a constant worry to his wife and children. His genre is random pick. You may know him as one of the former Contrarions of Slashdot.

Presentation video conference link:

I will open time for questions after the presentation. If you would like me to prepare for a specific question, you may contact me at joel dot rees at somewhere dot tld.

Plain text will also work, in which case you can use the following:

========== Copy from the line below here ... ==========

@Presentation-Title:My Title

My Name

My blurb in paragraph form.

A paragraph about me.

@Place holder for link to video conference: {TBD, do not fill in.}

My invitation for questions.

========== ... to the line above here. ==========


(Tentative version 1)

Thank you, presenters!

We need blog posts to tell potential attendees about your presentation. Please use the template below:

========== Copy from the line below here ... ==========

My Name

My Title

My blurb in paragraph form.

A paragraph about me.

@Place holder for link to video conference: {TBD, do not fill in.}

My invitation for questions.

========== ... to the line above here. ==========

Then substitute your presentation's information and e-mail it to joel dot rees at somewhere dot tld as plain text in the mail body or in an attached file.

If you want special formatting, we can't make guarantees, but please use the example below as a template and send your presentation blog post in a file in LibreOffice, ABI Word, MSWord, or Google document format. (Tex, Markdown, etc., is also possible.) But contact me first, because some special formatting just won't work.

An example is shown below:


Joel Rees

How to Use
Inane Social Theories,
Arcane Magic and Pseudo-technology,
and Obscured Pretend Real Settings
to Put Your Audience to Sleep

You always wanted to be known to your neighbors as the biggest bore in the world. With the information in this presentation, you can set your sights higher than ever. You can be know to the whole world as the biggest bore in the galaxy.

Insomniacs will praise your name! Pharmaceutical companies will despise and hate you!

Joel Rees is an unpublished author of off-beat, sleep-inducing fantasies, residing somewhere between Japan and Mars, and a constant worry to his wife and children. His genre is random pick. You may know him as one of the former Contrarions of Slashdot.

@Place holder for link to video conference: {TBD, do not fill in.}

I will be happy to answer any questions about arcane subjects.

Please refrain from asking questions that matter.


The above will be formatted programmatically something as follows:

How to Use
Inane Social Theories,
Arcane Magic and Pseudo-technology,
and Obscured Pretend Real Settings
to Put Your Audience to Sleep

Presenter: Joel Rees

You always wanted to be known to your neighbors as the biggest bore in the world. With the information in this presentation, you can set your sights higher than ever. You can be know to the whole world as the biggest bore in the galaxy.

Insomniacs will praise your name! Pharmaceutical companies will despise and hate you!

Joel Rees is an unpublished author of off-beat, sleep-inducing fantasies, residing somewhere between Japan and Mars, and a constant worry to his wife and children. His genre is random pick. You may know him as one of the former Contrarions of Slashdot.

Presentation video conference link:

I will be happy to answer any questions about arcane subjects.
Please refrain from asking questions that matter.

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