I'm leaving this here for reference, for the moment. Eventually, I intend to do a chapter including focus on shifts, and some of this will find place there.
You probably want to go here: https://joels-programming-fun.blogspot.com/2025/01/alpp-03-15-converting-numbers-output-input-multiplication-division-theory.html.
Numeric Output Conversion
and Multiplying by Constants
Now that we've debugged getting an input key from the ST's keyboard and outputting its ASCII code value in hexadecimal and binary on the 68000, a natural next step would be to learn how to parse numbers from the input.
But that will require multiplying and dividing by ten.
Why? Because we usually interact with numbers in decimal base -- radix base ten.
(Yeah, I'm not all that comfortable trying to remember the digits of π in
hexadecimal or binary, either. And I'm not going to go out of my way to
memorize those, particularly when I know how to get a computer to calculate
them any time I need them, as in bc, using obase to set binary
and hexadecimal output radix base:
$ bc -l
bc 1.07.1
Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2012-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
For details type `warranty'.
arctangent(1) is, of course, π/4. Yeah, if you're looking at the final digits
above, the last byte that bc calculates in the scale you specify will
be somewhat incorrect. The scale above is the default of 20 decimal
digits when starting bc with the -l option.)
When you're working in binary, getting numbers in and out in decimal requires converting between binary and decimal, and converting between binary and radix base ten requires multiplying and dividing by ten.
To display each digit of a value in decimal going right, we have to divide by the largest power of ten we can, and convert the quotient to the ASCII code for that digit, repeating with the remainder until the remainder is less than ten.
Or we can work going to the left, by dividing by ten, converting the remainder to the ASCII code for that digit, repeating with the quotient until the quotient is less than ten.
Division, either way.
To input a decimal value from the keyboard, we get each digit in order, multiplying the accumulated value by ten before adding the digit we got, repeating until there are no more digits entered (or until the accumulated value overflows).
Or we can read all the digits first, count the number of digits, and multiply each digit by the appropriate power of ten as we go, and that also requires multiplication.
Multiplication, either way.
While we can do general multiplication and division on the 68000, we haven't
really talked about it. And we haven't looked at how to synthesize
multiplication and division on 8-bit CPUs that don't have them. I'll show you
general routines for multiplication and division pretty soon, but I want to
show why they work (and give you some clues about how to speed them up) by
introducing multiplying and dividing by constants, which, by more than
coincidence, can be useful in decimal input and output.
Haven't we?
Let's look again at getting both binary and hexadecimal output. We need to understand what we are doing there.
When converting to binary from decimal or hexadecimal by hand, the usual approach (ignoring fractions) is
Set the radix point (fraction/decimal point) on the right.
Do until all digits (bits) converted (until quotient is zero):
Divide the number by 2, keeping both quotient and remainder.
Write the remainder down as the next digit,
going left from the radix point.
Repeat with the quotient.
Now, even taking into account that this algorithmic description is rather loose, looking at what we were doing in the 6800 chapter, it looks different, doesn't it? (We were, in fact, converting to external binary from what we could call internal radix base 256. And that's not being absurd to say it that way, no.)
I mean, even ignoring the additional step of converting the remainder to a character for output, it's different. We were going left-to-right, and not even noticing the radix point until we were done, if then.
Let's look at
the 6809 code for binary output
again (since I think the 6809 code is easier to read):
* Output a 0
OUT0 LDB #'0
* Output a 1
OUT1 LDB #'1
* Rob code, shave a couple of bytes, waste a few cycles.
* Output the 8-bit binary (base two) number on the stack.
* For consistency, we are passing the byte in the low-order byte
* of a 16-bit word.
OUTB8 LDB #8 ; 8 bits
STB 0,U ; Borrow the upper byte of the parameter.
OUTB8L LSL 1,U ; Get the leftmost bit of the lower byte.
BNE OUTB8L ; loop if not Zero
LEAU 2,U ; drop parameter bytes
In modified human English, that's going to look like
Shift the bits left, capturing the bit carried off the top.
Convert the captured bit to a character and
write it down as the next digit,
going right.
Repeat until no bits remain to be converted.
Yep. Going the opposite direction. And the radix point just ended up where we stopped.
Completely backwards!
What's going on here?
You'll remember that I mentioned that shifting digits to the left (shifting the radix point to the right and filling with zeroes) is the same as multiplying by the radix.
You don't remember that I said that?
What did I say? Ah, here it is, in
the chapter on hexadecimal output on the 6800:
... shifting is division and multiplication by powers of two. ...
a little before talking about moving the radix point in decimal numbers, which
is the same as shifting decimal digits.
So, shifting bits to the left is multiplying by two. And shifting bits to the right is dividing by two.
And when we grabbed the bit that came off the high end into the carry, we were just grabbing the bits as the came off the top, right?
Here's how I want to see that. On the one hand we were multiplying by two. On the other hand, the top bit came off into the carry, and we grabbed it. So we were shifting right by 7 grabbing the quotient (from the carry).
Which is dividing by 27 -- dividing by 128ten.
This is because the byte is 8 bits, and the 8 bit register forms something mathematicians call a ring, which we aren't going to describe in detail because I don't want to put everyone to sleep.
But it's mathematics. We can rely on it once we understand it. Multiplication
in a ring is division, and sometimes that is useful.
Now, we could do this:
NUMBUF RMB 34 ; enough for 32 bits of output
CNVB8 TFR DP,A ; point to the direct page
LEAY 9,Y ; start at the right
CLR ,-Y ; NUL terminate it
LDA #8 ; 8 bits
CNVB8L LDB #'0' ; ASCII '0'
LSR 1,U ; Get the lowest bit into the carry
ADCB #0 ; convert it to ASCII
STB ,-Y ; build the string right-to-left
BNE CNVB8L ; loop until counted out
STY ,U ; return the address of the buffer
RTS ; (this ought to work, anyway)
And that would be in the order of working right-to-left, and then we could take the address that CNVB8 returns and pass it off to OUTS, and print the number as a string.
But that would require an intermediate buffer (NUMBUF above), and I want to be
able to output binary and hexadecimal without intermediate buffers. (And
without explicit multiply and divide instructions.)
The intermediate buffer is where we set the radix point on the right so we can chop the less significant digits off first and write them down going to the left.
Intermediate buffers make debugging more difficult.
You can see that I would want to be able to output decimal numbers without
intermediate buffers, too, right? Maybe?
Can it be done?
(If you aren't really following me, well, stick around for the ride. It does
eventually begin to make sense. I think.)
We've seen that it can be done with hexadecimal. In the 6809 code we had
ASC0 EQU '0 ; Some assemblers won't handle 'c constants well.
ASCXGAP EQU ASCA-ASC9-1 ; Gap between '9' and 'A' for hexadecimal
* Mask off and convert the nybble in B to ASCII numeric,
* including hexadecimals
OUTH4 ANDB #$0F ; mask it off
ADDB #ASC0 ; Add the ASCII for '0'
CMPB #ASC9 ; Greater than '9'?
BLS OUTH4D ; no, output as is.
ADDB #ASCXGAP ; Adjust it to 'A' - 'F'
STD ,--U
* Output an 8-bit byte in hexadecimal,
* byte as a 16-bit parameter on PSP.
OUTHX8 LDB 1,U ; get the byte
You can see we were capturing the high nybble (four bits) by shifting left four times, right?
Shifting right four is the same as shifting left four, capturing as we go,
right correct? (Sorry about that.)
And, rather than shifting the low four back into place, we can grab the top bits from a copy, and then grab the bottom bits from the original, masking the top bits off.
Multiplying by sixteen in an 8-bit ring is dividing by sixteen in the 8-bit
ring (within the conditions of the ring).
One problem with octal base -- radix base eight -- is that 8 is 23,
which requires 3 bits per octal digit. And, where we can fit 2 hex digits
exactly in an 8-bit byte, or four quaternary digits exactly, octal digits end
up with a bit left over. Two bits, I mean. (Sorry. ;)
Which means the left-most digit when converting a byte has only two bits, and can only range between 0 and 3 instead of 0 and 7. And you have to account for that as you convert.
Which means that, converting a byte from left-to-right, when you start by shifting a digit off the top, you have to shift only 2 bits for the first digit. Instead of multiplying by 8 (which is dividing by 25, or dividing by 32) the first time, you have to multipy by 4 (divide by 26, or 64) to get that first octal digit on the left.
Thinking about this, 64 is the maximum power of 8 that fits in a byte. 29, 512, does not fit in a byte. Keep this in mind.
And if you're converting a byte to octal from right to left, you still have to
remember to only shift twice on the last shift.
How about base ten, then? Can we do something like this with base ten?
Octal cuts binary integers up three bits per octal digit. Hexadecimal cuts it
up into four bits per hex digit. How many bits per decimal digit? It's clearly
not a whole number of bits, and we don't know how to shift by anything but
whole numbers of bits, so it doesn't look hopeful.
As a digression (8-o), say you encode decimal in four bits per decimal digit. Could this work?
Let's see.
Let's see it:
0: 0000
1: 0001
2: 0010
3: 0011
4: 0100
5: 0101
6: 0110
7: 0111
8: 1000
9: 1001
Yep, it can be encoded.
This is binary coded decimal, or BCD.
But, 10011001two ($99 => 99sixteen) is (128 + 16 + 8 + 1), which is equal to 153ten.
Where 10011001BCD (also $99) is 99ten.
Eaaaoooooohhh confusion!
It turns out you can add and subtract directly in BCD, although it takes an
extra step or so to handle carries correctly. And, of course, you can multiply
and divide, and the algorithms look like what you'd do by hand. And of course
shifting left one BCD digit (four bits) at a time does work out to multiplying
by ten, and shifting right one BCD digit at a time works out to dividing by
But it's a bit wasteful of bits.
In BCD, you can encode numbers from 0 to 99,999,999 in four bytes (eight nybbles), or 32 bits.
0 to 99,999,999 in binary (00000000000000 to 101111101011110000011111111) requires only 27 bits, which fits in just less than six and a half bytes (one bit short of seven nybbles).
Okay, it's not really all that wasteful. (In fact, if I understand
correctly, my favorite multi-precision command-line *nix tool, bc,
demonstrated again above, operates in BCD.)
But now we have issues when we want to convert BCD to binary, so that we can
use numbers as addresses and such. It just shifts the problems around. (In
bc, we usually aren't working with addresses, by the way.)
Yes, we'll have to talk about BCD at some point.
The purpose of the digression was to try to give you a little more space and perspective before we dig into multiplying by shifts and adds.
This theoretical stuff is getting long. Let's look at some actual code to multiply by constant powers of 2.
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